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Our Corporate Sponsors

We are very grateful for the generous support of our sponsors and partners. They help us to further our mission of teaching life skills to teens and aiding in their development. Without them, our reach would be much more limited. We are thankful for their generosity and commitment to our cause.

Our sponsors and partners include businesses, organizations, and individuals who have all come together to help us reach more teens in need of life skill education. We are so grateful for their support and dedication to our mission. Together, we are making a big impact on the lives of teens.

Great Gifts For Keeps Inc offers an array of balloon decorations.
GGFK Donates
25% of each "balloon" product sold on their website to TEENS.

Name Gifts For Keeps offers something special, unique and treasurable!!!
25% of each "Name Meaning" sold on their website is donated to TEENS.

Our Individual Sponsors

At Enrich And Empower Teens, we are grateful for our sponsors who share our passion for helping young individuals reach their fullest potential. We appreciate the time and effort they dedicate to our cause. Join us in thanking them for their contributions.

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